Last modified: 2007/02/11 22:00
24401 Cheever Road
Watertown, NY 13601
315-788-0435 (h)
Red Herring
MOTley Morris (sometimes)
Dead Ringers
Lemon & Capers alumna
Twilight Bells alumna
Lemon & Capers Bampton, Bledington, Adderbury, some Fieldtown,
Litchfield, Duns Tew, Bucknell, Headington, Brackley, assorted other
individual cotswold dances; Papa Stour and Kirkby Malzeard longsword;
Some Red Stag and Shropshire Bedlams border dances. No rapper,thanks.
Penny whistle, but only under duress
Only before coffee.
I'll have what the gentleman on the floor is having.
One of the few people you're likely to meet who has actually broken a
leg during a danceout.