Grand Union Morris, Denham, Buckinghamshire (UK)

Year founded: 1976
Gender: men
Organization(s): Morris Ring
Dance type(s): Cotswold morris
Tradition(s) / style(s): Adderbury, Bledington, Ducklington, Fieldtown, Moulton, Oddington, Upton on Severn with many additional dances written by the side.
Kit/Livery: Black bowler hats, white collarless shirt with neckerchief, gold and black baldricks, white trousers, gold socks, black shoes, gold and black armbands with ribbons. Black waistcoats with the side logo embroidered are worn only when not dancing. Musicians wear black top hats instead of bowlers and optionally tailcoats.

Primary contact: Gary Willis (Bagman) (Tel.: +44 (0)1895 254221; Email:
Practice Day Thursdays

Web site:
Web site maintainer: Roger Rowe (

Last modified: 2008/03/18 03:43