Royal Liberty Morris Men, Hornchurch, Essex (UK)

Year founded: 1960
Gender: men
Organization(s): Morris Ring
Dance type(s): Cotswold morris, border morris, molly, longsword
Tradition(s) / style(s): Ascott under Wychwood
Kit/Livery: Tatter jackets in winter, mainly blue and yellow in colour and a white shirt. In summer loose the tatter jackets and mainly just wear knee length breeches, again with a white shirt. Specialist costumes, however, do exist. In fact we wear leather jackets, jeans and bike-boots for some gigs.

Primary contact: Daave O'Neill (Email:
Practice Day & time: Thursday at 8.00pm - 10.00pm

Web site:
Web site maintainer: David O'Neill (

Last modified: 2000/07/19 08:33