Ashley's Rise Junior Morris, Bristol, (UK)

Year founded: 1993
Gender: children (mixed)
Organization(s): Open Morris, CDSS
Dance type(s): Cotswold morris, border morris, longsword, mumming
Kit/Livery: Our border kit consists of coloured rag shirt, black trousers, black, ribbonless, bell pads, black shoes (and socks!)black faces (but not hands), hats with feathers.
Sometimes we dance in green rag shirts.
Our Cotswold is currently in practice so no kit yet

Primary contact: Kim Woodward (Tel.: +44 (0)117 9401566; Email:
Practice Day & time: Tuesday at 6.15-7.15pm

Web site:
Web site maintainer: Ashley's Rise team members (

Miscellany: Morris side for young people aged 8 - 16 years

Last modified: 2001/10/18 16:20