East Saxon Sword, London (UK)

East Saxon Sword ceased as a side in 2008; they merged with Greengate Rapper to form Hawksword, a mixed side dancing longsword and rapper.

Gender: men
Organization(s): Morris Federation
Dance type(s): longsword, rapper sword, mumming

Primary contact: Dave Law (Tel.: +44 (0)20 8550 0032; Email: dave.law@newham.gov.uk)
Secondary contact: Alan Green (Tel.: +44 (0)20 8365 0549; Email: alan.green@ucl.ac.uk)
Practice Day & time: Tuesday at 8.00 PM

Web site: http://www.kibbler.demon.co.uk/ess
Web site maintainer: Alan Green (alan.green@ucl.ac.uk)

Last modified: 2009/02/25 10:11