Golden Star Morris, Norwich, Norfolk (UK)

Year founded: 1980
Gender: mixed
Organization(s): Open Morris
Dance type(s): Cotswold morris, molly, mumming
Tradition(s) / style(s): Badby, Juniper Hill (thanks Roy Dommett) Adderbury, Upton, Bledington, Sherbourne, Fieldtown, Bampton, Ducklington and not to forget the amazing Shitwitching molly.
Kit/Livery: white shirt; black breeches, knee length; red socks; brown bell pads; red, yellow and brown baldricks; black shoes, red or rainbow laces. No waistcoats. Musicians kit includes the above but no baldricks and a waistcoat red in colour with golden stars pattern.

Primary contact: Julie McKenzie Bag (Tel.: +44 (0)1508470851; Email:
Practice Day & time: Sunday at approx 7.30

Web site:
Web site maintainer: Dr. Uid (

Miscellany: Two of our members played as musicians on the nine daise morris re-enactment in 2000 and did the whole route. Another member wrote the famous book of the event 'eight days wonder' available form us, the donkey or good bookstalls.
We host weekends of dance every two years and perform most weekends during the year and sometimes even dance!!!

Last modified: 2001/12/03 14:10