Hicks with Sticks Border, Shepherdstown, West Virginia (USA)

Year founded: 1990
Gender: mixed
Organization(s): CDSS
Dance type(s): border morris
Kit/Livery: Rag shirts (in colors above (mostly), Black boots, bell pads, multi-colored facepaint.

Primary contact: Joanie Blanton (Tel.: +1 304 263 2531; Email: blanton@intrepid.net)
Secondary contact: Becky Lidgerding (Tel.: +1 304 876 2169; Email: blidgerd@ix.netcom.com)
Practice Day & time: Tuesday at 6:30

Web site: http://www.apriori.net~paz/shep.html
Web site maintainer: Phillip Zimmerman (paz@apriori.net)

Miscellany: We hold a fabulous Mayday celebration…see our web page. We are planning a trip to the UK in 2001 and would love to hear from teams that might be interested in a visit to share repertoire and dance together.

Last modified: 2000/07/21 12:06